The culture at Springwood is one that fosters a wholistic development of mind, body, and spirit. In addition to classroom learning, there are multiple groups and clubs which encourage critical thinking skills and practical applications. Student gatherings for worship and biblical engagement through sessions, alongside our scripture theme of the year, undergird all our programming offered on campus. Multiple opportunities for JV and Varsity competitive athletics, club-level sports, and the Wildcat Games are part of our annual tradition as well as music and drama for all ages. All students serve annually in our Spring Wildcat Workday assisting in a variety of ways throughout the entire Valley community. And because serving is a priority in our character development, each high schooler begins a journey of accumulating 100 hours of community service by graduation. Realizing that life is hard sometimes, our Campus Life office works alongside students to encourage them and to develop the skills needed to navigate whatever they are encountering, including connecting with outside professional counseling when necessary. All of this coexists on a campus where international students from multiple nations are assimilated into this one Springwood family who are all learning and practicing how to honor God and to love one another.
Our re-enrollment fees and deadlines are listed below:
Early bird enrollment: February 15 - February 28 ($50 per student) Regular enrollment: March 1 - March 31 $200 per student) Late enrollment: Begins April 1 ($250 per student)